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Protein Port is on a mission to contribute to a sustainable food system by creating an innovation hub for research and development and serving as a catalyst for collaboration in alternative proteins.

Important elements of our ambition are:

Transition to alternative proteins

Our primary objective is to accelerate the shift towards a sustainable food ecosystem by championing alternative proteins. We don't just focus on technical aspects; we're committed to creating a positive societal impact.

Innovation Hub

We support the ecosystem for alternative proteins in South Holland and beyond in the innovation process. We support early stage in research and development, as well as scaling up and commercialisation. Our focus encompasses plant-based proteins, precision fermentation, cultured meat and fish, as well as emerging sources like aquatic proteins and insects. We pledge investments in state-of-the-art facilities and impactful initiatives.

Catalyst for Collaboration

Protein Port is dedicated to expediting the transition to alternative proteins by forging connections among key stakeholders and fostering a culture of teamwork. Our emphasis lies in matchmaking and nurturing partnerships.

Organisations behind Protein Port

The Protein Port Community

Join the Protein Port Community to stay up-to-date and connected with kindred spirits.  

Want to join the Protein Port Network?
Want to join the Protein Port Network?

Join us to realize the protein transition together!

Be part of the innovation of the ecosystem?
Be part of the innovation of the ecosystem?

Do you want to accelerate the protein transition?

Join us for a greener, tastier and more sustainable future!
Join us for a greener, tastier and more sustainable future!

Join us stay up-to-date and connected with all developments!

Protein Port: Regional collaboration

Protein Port PZH