fermentatie klein



1. Fermented foods (vegan)

Modulated plant-derived products with unique flavors, nutritional profiles and modified texture using microorganism (e.g. tempeh, tofu).

Closeness of end- product to animal-based product

  • Protein replacement (no biomimicking);
  • Maturity: High (ancient technique).

2. Biomass - whole cell (vegan)

Pure culture of microbiological cells (microalgae, fungi, yeast, bacteria) serving as a predominant or one of several primary ingredients in a blend.

Closeness of end- product to animal-based product

  • Replication of taste and mouthfeel of animal-based products;
  • Maturity: Very low for protein production.

3. Precision - purified (vegetarian)

Production of a specific type of functional protein (e.g. heme) through microbial host organisms (microalgae, bacteria, yeast or fungi).

Closeness of end- product to animal-based product

  • Protein ingredient only;
  • Maturity: Very low for protein production.